Monday, April 10, 2023

A Philly Joe lick

 This week I was playing around with this idea (and some variations)……

Truth be told, it's only HALF a Philly lick really, It comes from one of his trades on Miles' "Dr. Jackle" from the Milestones album. Here it is at 1:33.

It's a very simple idea, really. Sort of 3/4 of a paradiddle. That very simplicity is why it's so ideal for variations. Here's me doing a few…..

The first one is playing it as a seven beat figure (the lick plus one 8th note triplet rest) over a 3/4 pattern with the feet and I'm warbling Toots Thieleman's "Blusette" so we can really feel the waltz time…

Next up, I'm still playing it as a seven beat idea, but in str. 8ths and dead stroking the first 2 notes as I head around the drums, giving it a nice pitch variation….

Finally, here's the same idea spread out between hi-hat and cross stick, with the hi-hat also being playing in quarter notes with the LF…..

Obviously, I worked on just using the idea in 4 and moving it around the drums and the carline before I did anything else (see notation at top of the post) but I hope I've demonstrated some of the many possibilities contained in this one little idea. Also, learn all the Philly Joe trades from Dr. Jackle! Only good can come from it…….

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